Workplace Psychological Health

I have a vision of a healthier and happier community

In our 24/7, fast paced, and perfectionistic driven society, it can be very hard to maintain a healthy balance in our professional and personal lives. The emotional demands placed upon ourselves, as well as our families, are far more invasive in our daily functioning than ever before.

Business success and innovation flourish in a workplace with psychologically healthy employees.

Company Psychological Hygiene

Attending to our psychological hygiene on a regular basis has shown positive outcomes in creating more stability, confidence, and fulfillment in our work, study, and play. We routinely engage professionals to maintain and repair our physical hygiene, our business equipment, our cars and our homes. For fulfilling lives, professional maintenance and repair of psychological hygiene should be part of that routine. Establishing a therapeutic relationship with a trusted therapist can be beneficial in maintaining a healthy balance in all areas of our lives – socially, professionally, educationally, and spiritually.

Workplaces that understand the need to maintain their psychological hygiene perform better.

Treasures Within Family Counseling, Inc. in the Workplace

Addresss your workplace psychological hygiene by engaging me to conduct a workshop or series of workshops at your location.  Workshops have proven beneficial to workplace emotional attitudes and performance as well as lowering barriers to employees seeking needed professional help by introducing the maintenance of one’s psychological health.

Workplace topics typically addressed include:

  • Career satisfaction
  • Healthy communication
  • Mid-life career changes

I also often cover personal topics which overflow into the workplace such as

  • Meaningful relationships
  • Starting a family
  • Defining family roles and responsibilities
  • Sandwich families (raising kids and caring for aging parents)
  • Empty nest and accepting the new family roles
  • Aging and health issues at all stages
  • Loss and grieving what we have lost
  • Healing childhood trauma and wounds


Free introductory workshops conducted at your workplace are available. Select from the following topics directed at business innovation:

  • Seeing your business through a new lens
  • Creating and maintaining balance in the workplace
  • Mindfulness

Call, text or email to me today to arrange your free workshop or schedule a consultation to design a more comprehensive program for your workplace.